Boost your health & uplift your spirit!

Join us live, or practice at your own time...

Generate more health and energy

within and around you!


Saturdays 10:00 - 13:00

3 hours incl. free audio recording to practice at home! 

Double class + audio. Price: €39,-

English spoken unless all attendees understand Dutch.

Mondays 10:00 - 11:30

1,5-hours. Price: €15,- / class 

in case of payment per month.

Fee per individual class: €18,-

English spoken unless all attendees understand Dutch.


Mondays, 10:00-11:30

€15 - €18

April 13, 20, 27

May 4, 11, 18, 25

Saturdays, 10:00-13:00

€39 incl. free recording! 

April 11, 25  

May 9, 16, 30

Immerse yourself in ancient Taoist wisdom to:

*Boost your immune system.

*Access your natural sources of vitality.

*Multiply & store your life force energy.
*Connect body, mind & soul.
*Nurture your well being & your protective field.

For who?

*All women 

*Access your natural sources of vitality.

*Multiply & store your life force energy.
*Connect body, mind & soul.
*Nurture your well being & your protective field.

Upon your signup you'll receive a confirmation email.

The details of payment will be sent to you in a separate email.

After your payment you receive the link to your online course, plus all

practical details and tips on how to prepare your sacred space at home...

Classes specially designed for now.

Balance out the negative effects on your immune system of fear and stress.

Boost your health and life force (chi).


We have many natural sources of health available, always.

And what better time to learn more about it, than now!


Know how to transform negative, unhealthy energy.

Affect your health and environment positively 

by working on your own energy!


We all have the power to generate more healthy chi,

and ancient taoist wisdom shows us how.

Group practice reinforces the effects, generating even more energy

esp. in a group of women (read more underneath).


Prepare and strengthen your health and capacity to recover.

Build up your inner storage of regenerative life force energy.

Feel welcome to join live, or practice at your own time!

Much Love and Light,


Upon your signup you'll receive a confirmation email.

The details of payment will be sent to you in a separate email.

After your payment you'll receive the link to your online course, plus more

practical information and tips on how to prepare your sacred space at home...

Saturdays 10:00 - 13:00

3 hours incl. free audio recording to practice at home! 

Double class + audio. Price: €39,-

English spoken unless all attendees understand Dutch.

Mondays 10:00 - 11:30

1,5-hours. Price: €15,- / class 

in case of payment per month.

Fee per individual class: €18,-

English spoken unless all attendees understand Dutch.

Why only women?

A women's circle generates a special energy field and brings an extra depth to our practice.

When women come together, centered and rooted in the earth, it creates a powerful and loving energy field.

A conscious field of women offers enormous support for 

everyone's own inner journey as we join and share the power of our wombs and our hearts, which give us our natural capacity to multiply nurturing energy and hold space.

More so, our healthy chi is naturally boosted in a women's circle. Because when we unite consciously, we naturally start producing more wellbeing hormones like oxytocin, associated with nourishment, connectedness and love.

As such we create an optimal fertile ground together on which to be further guided by ancient taoist practices for health, body and soul.

This page was born in response to current times, after the first time I moved my classes online.

Initially I was hesitant but it turnt out to be wonderful. It showed me once again that: 

Energy knows no boundaries!

And it inspired me to design this course.


Many women expressed how much support they found in coming together like this;

physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

What struck me were the many comments about

 feeling renewed trust again, despite the insecurities of these times.

I find this very significant; it is about taking our power back. And keeping it.

It is about freeing our wellbeing of the effects from external events.


We may not be able to control our circumstances,

but for sure we can make ourselves more resilient, healthy and vital.

We can learn how to multiply our own positivity and health.

We can transform fear, worry and negativity,

and make our wellbeing depend less and less on outer affairs.


I'd love to invite you to come together online, immerse in a healing field, 

and find nourishment in meditation, movement and relaxation.

I'd love to show you how to connect deeply to your body's wisdom, 

and optimize your health & energy.


I will share with you

a special selection of ancient taoist exercises and meditations 

to boost your health, your life force and uplift your spirit.


Hope to meet you soon!


BTW: This page has limited background info.

You can read more about Healing Tao and my courses on the other pages of this site (in Dutch).

If you have any question; be welcome of course to ​contact me!

Sarina Zeeman

Lovely woman, thank you for your interest! 

I'm based in Amsterdam where I teach Tao of Moonwomen (Maanvrouw in Dutch), do-in yoga, Healing Tao and Voice Liberation (Stembevrijding); since recently mostly online.

Besides weekly group classes and days, I also give 1-on-1 sessions, coaching, and holistic massage.

Private sessions are possible in Dutch, English & Spanish.

More info about:

Healing Tao for women (Dutch)

Tao of Moonwomen® / Maanvrouw (Dutch)

Voice Liberation / Stembevrijding (Dutch)

...Introductions, new data and promotions?

Carolien van Dalsum Docente drama, kinder therapeut, basisschool leerkracht

Bij Sarina voelde ik me direct op mijn gemak. Geen blabla maar puur en warm.

Tamar Porcelijn Docente dans en Flamenco

Hele fijne lessen en een goede docent.
De heldere uitleg en ontspannen sfeer maken het toegankelijk voor iedereen.
Niet zweverig, maar juist praktisch en direct toepasbaar.
Echt een aanrader!

Janey Plantema Receptioniste StayOkay

Hele fijne sfeer; zeker een aanrader!
Ik heb zowel privé- als groepslessen gevolgd bij Sarina
en tijdens beiden is haar persoonlijke begeleiding steeds zo goed getimed!
Haar combinatie van yoga, do-in en healing Tao lijkt me voor iedereen toegankelijk.
Je leert je natuurlijke kracht kennen en binnen je eigen grenzen te blijven.
Sarina's uitleg vind ik goed te volgen en de uitwerking direct voelbaar na de les.


Met welke dag kan ik het beste beginnen?

Wat is de beste opbouw om te volgen?

Ik heb geen eerdere ervaring met qigong of yoga, kan ik dan toch meedoen?

Kan ik deelnemen met ernstige gezondheidsklachten?

Ik ben zwanger - kan ik dan ook mee doen?

Is deze cursus ook mogelijk in wekelijkse lessen?

Kan ik eerst een proefles doen?

Hoelang van tevoren kan ik nog eten?

Kan ik tijdens de les drinken?

Ik ben niet super lenig en sterk, is deze training dan wel geschikt voor mij?

Kan ik ook af en toe meedoen en losse lessen nemen?

Ik wil een hele cursus (I en/of II) boeken maar ik kan niet op alle opeenvolgende dagen. Wat nu?

 Wat voor kleding moet ik aan?

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